Modern Tropical Cachaça Cocktail

image Modern Tropical Cachaça Cocktail

Modern Tropical Cachaça Cocktail

Indulge in a moment of exotic freshness with our Modern Tropical Cachaça Cocktail. This refreshing blend brings together the warmth of Brazil and the sweetness of the Caribbean, striking a perfect balance between cachaça, the fizz of Ginger beer, and the tangy notes of pineapple and lime. Ideal for a friends’ gathering or a relaxing moment, this cocktail will add a burst of color and unforgettable flavors to your taste experience.



  • 4 cl of cachaça
  • 4 cl of Caraïbos pineapple juice
  • 1 cl of lime juice
  • 1 cl of cane syrup
  • 4 cl of Ginger beer
  • A few sprigs of flat parsley

Preparation steps

  1. Start by gently muddling 6 to 7 sprigs of flat parsley in an old-fashioned glass.
  2. Fill the glass with crushed ice.
  3. Pour in the cachaça and the juices (pineapple and lime).
  4. Top up with Ginger beer.
  5. Gently stir with a cocktail spoon.
  6. Finish off by decorating the glass with a slice of lime and a red fruit for a colorful and elegant touch.

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